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Stories on Business Models

The new site from the former owner of The Hill — backed by $50 million — feels like a remnant of an earlier age.
Silver on ABC: “They have limited rights to some models post–license term, but not the core election forecast stuff.”
“We can’t keep losing money.”
“BuzzFeed is the most important news organization in the world.”
Across 303 participating newsrooms, NewsMatch brought in $38 million in individual donations. The largest 50 newsrooms brought in $24 million of the $38 million total.
The Messenger, which aims to “rekindle your passion for media” and generate $100 million in revenue in its first year, is acquiring Grid.
It might not be as mustache-twirling a villain as Alden Global Capital, but its enormous scale has meant enormous losses for local journalism.
The world’s power brokers are investing desperately in the games industry, but games media is another story entirely.
“It’s like [management] is cutting up a car and using the pieces for parts.”
Transparency is a tricky thing in an industry that runs on a scarcity mindset.